At NRC, we offer comprehensive wastewater analysis services to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and protect vital resources.

Our expertise spans both domestic and industrial wastewater, providing essential data for city, county, and state government entities, as well as industrial and mining facilities regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA).  All of our data is accredited by the Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ORELAP), ensuring the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.

Industrial wastewater varies widely in pollutant types and volumes, with agriculture, mills, mines, and smaller facilities like car washes all contributing differently. This diversity complicates regulation, but the CWA provides a framework for managing these discharges. NRC uses the latest EPA-approved methods for analyzing NPDES samples, ensuring that all wastewater analyses meet stringent regulatory standards.

Domestic wastewater often goes unnoticed as a significant source of pollution. To mitigate its impact, the EPA recommends reducing paved surfaces to minimize runoff, properly managing septic systems by inspecting and emptying them every 3-5 years, protecting soil around septic systems, and using water-efficient fixtures to limit wastewater production.

General Analytical Services for Wastewater:

  • Influent and effluent analysis packages
  • Priority pollutants
  • Washwater testing
  • Organic chemical analysis
  • Inorganic chemical analysis, including metals
  • Microbiology analysis

Contact us today to discuss your specific wastewater analysis needs.

Clean Water Act Information

Passed in 1972, The Clean Water Act (CWA) is the cornerstone of surface water quality protection in the United States.  While the Act does not address ground water or water quantity issues, it is aimed at reducing the direct pollution of waterways by financing wastewater treatment plants and by managing polluted runoff.  The goal is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters for “the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, wildlife and recreation in and on the water.”

When the CWA was first enacted, regulation was directed at the chemical aspects of the “integrity” goal.  Since then, more attention has been given to physical and biological integrity.  Initially, “point source” facilities such as sewage plants and industrial developments were the focus, with little notice given to runoff from streets, construction sites, and other “wet-weather” sources.  Since the 1980s, added regulations and various voluntary programs have been adopted to significantly reduce polluted runoff.

Additionally, CWA programs over the last decade have shifted to a watershed-based strategy.  Now, equal emphasis is placed on protecting healthy waters and restoring impaired ones.  A wide array of issues is addressed, and various stakeholders are included in development and implementation of strategies for improving state water quality.

In order for businesses to comply with regulatory authorities, runoff, or outfall sources must be monitored.  Neilson Research Corporation (This has a link back to the homepage that should be removed) can help you meet these requirements by providing sample containers, instructions for proper documentation, accurate analysis, and prompt delivery of your results.

Adapted from:

“Introduction to The Clean Water Act.” 13 March 2003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1 Aug 2006

Click on the links below for more information:

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Information

The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program is a centerpiece of the Clean Water Act (CWA), which regulates the discharge of wastewater into United States waters. All identified sources of wastewater must obtain a NPDES permit and withstand intense regulatory scrutiny.

Neilson Research Corporation performs regular monthly NPDES monitoring for cities, counties, school and government entities, and industrial and commercial facilities. Close attention is paid to changing requirements and deadlines so that fines and penalties are avoided. As part of our service to you, NRC will provide everything necessary for your required analysis including a convenient shipping container, sample bottles, ice packs, sampling instructions, and chain of custody and shipping documentation.

Click on the links below for more information: