If you obtain drinking water from your own well, you alone are responsible, for assuring that it is safe. For this reason, routine testing for a few of the most common contaminants is highly recommended. Even if you currently have a safe, pure water supply, regular testing can be valuable because it establishes a record of water quality. This record can be helpful in solving any future problems and in obtaining compensation if someone damages your water supply.

Real Estate Package ($125)

Results in 3-5 business days

Arsenic Coliform Nitrate

Top 35 ($325)

Results in 5 business days

Aluminum Chromium Manganese Silver
Antimony Conductivity Molybdenum Sodium
Arsenic Copper Nickel Sulfate
Barium Fluoride Nitrate Thallium
Beryllium Hardness Nitrite Turbidity
Boron Iron pH Uranium
Cadmium Lead Potassium Vanadium
Calcium Lithium Selenium Zinc
Chloride Magnesium Silica

Plumbing Toxicity Package($210)

Results in 5 business days

Cadmium Iron
Chromium Lead
Conductivity Nickel
Copper pH
Hardness Zinc

Interested in something that isn’t included here?  Contact us and ask!